So, I engaged in my very favorite hobby today: shopping. However, shopping is not as exciting as it used to be for me. Right now, *intake breath*, I am the biggest I have ever been. Being overweight is not something that just happens overnight. At first, I was horrified when the numbers went up on the scale, but for the most part, I could still find clothes just about anywhere that would fit me. Now, that is not the case. One of my favorite stores, Ann Taylor Loft, stopped carrying my size in their stores. Sure, I could order online, but part of the problem in being larger is that you kinda need to try things on BEFORE you pay for them. Anyway, it's gotten to the point that many of the places I like to shop don't carry my size or don't have a large selection in the larger sizes. Don't get me wrong I love my curviness; it's the lumpiness I can't deal with. (The fat on my sides aka spare tire, I lovingly refer to as the oompa loompas.) So every year, Jan 1, I always say I'm going to lose weight, exercise, etc...So, I usually join Weight Watchers, watch what I eat blah blah blah. But it never works! My friends will tell me that I usually never follow through with this so instead of doing that, I'm going to do this weight loss thing on my own. I'm thinking about maybe blogging about what I eat daily on here and keep you guys posted on my weight loss. Either way, I'd like to see changes in my body by the summer so I hope I can get it together! Well, that's all for now folks. Until next time!
Smooches and Deuces
The weight thing is an issue for everyone so don't beat yourself up about it. Even though you feel you are overweight you have a good attitude about it and that's good. You also seem to have good self-esteem which is very important. You can do this weight loss thing and you can do it with or without the weight loss centers that beg for your business non-stop come every January 1. I will be here to listen to rants. By the way its OK if you fall off the wagon. I feel comfortable telling you this because I don't know you. I fall off the alchohol wagon on a daily basis. LOL! Joke! Hang in there!